Rebel Nineteen is a highly selective agency with only a small number of talent in each age category. Due to this please do not be too disappointed if your application is unsuccessful this time round, you are welcome to apply again in the future.
Before applying to be represented by us, please read the following:
- Castings are often last minute, sometimes with as little as 24 hours’ notice and are mostly either in London or Manchester.
- Castings are often held during the day time with school aged children casting after school usually up to around 7pm.
- Shoots often take place during weekdays and therefore school aged children would need to get permission to be absent from school.
- For shoots, a child must be chaperoned by a Parent/Legal Guardian or a Licensed Chaperone.
- Rebel Nineteen is a sole representation agency which means you are not permitted to be with any other agency other than ourselves.
We do expect our talent to attend castings and shoots should they be offered one, therefore again please do only apply if you can commit to the above. Obviously, this excludes holidays and important dates, where you will have the ability to sign out in your own online diary.

Books are open for all ages 0-18.
Please note that we are a sole representation agency so will not allow children to have a separate acting/talent/stills agency, but we are happy to represent children for acting or modelling only if that is all they are interested in.
To apply, please email [email protected] with the following information:
Please include:
• 4 clear photos that you have taken yourself for the purpose of this application, to include a headshot and full length taken against a light-coloured plain background.
• Child’s name.
• Date of birth.
• Address including postcode.
• Height in cms.
• Shoe size.
• Parent’s name.
• Parent’s email.
• Parent’s phone number.
• North, south or both.
• Acting, modelling or both.
• If you are currently agency-represented, please advise the agency you are with.
Please ensure that all the above information is included otherwise we will not be able to consider your application.